Posts tagged fabric friends and dolls
Store Tours: Fabric Friends and Dolls

What's better than getting dolly goodies in the mail? Getting dolly goodies in person, of course!

Recently, I had the opportunity to finally stop in and see Fabric Friends and Dolls for myself! I was in Gaithersburg, Maryland visiting family and quite ironically, the shop was less than a half hour from where I was staying. I've been purchasing from them online for a while, but nothing beats buying doll items in person, that's for sure.


Within the BJD hobby, it is very rare to have the opportunity to shop and buy dolls and doll items in person like this, so I was completely in heaven! Also maybe a bit overwhelmed, too!

I had been to conventions like Dollism Plus in NY and to the VOLKS USA store in Torrence, California but shopping at Fabric Friends and Dolls was a completely next level experience.


The owner, Iris, lets you try on almost anything in the store, including wigs, shoes, and outfits, which is a money-saver! Having this option allowed me not only to fit test different BJD wigs, clothes, and shoes, but also to see if the item I wanted to buy truly fit my doll’s character.

Items are sorted by company and size - oh my! It is easy to get lost in the sea of high quality clothing sets they sell. I was so overwhelmed by their amazing stock and organization. It was hard to choose what to get!


Fabric Friends and Dolls carries an impressive amount of items and dolls from a wide range of companies, including but not limited to: Smart Doll, LUTS, TTYA, TREE Design, Nine9 Style, and more.

Overall, I had an absolute blast and definitely will visit again soon!

If you’d like to visit Fabric Friends and Dolls or purchase something online, you can visit them on their website at:
